5 Reasons to Detox

5 Reasons to Detox: Even if You’re Already Gluten-Free

Should you detox or try a gluten-free cleanse?


Tired of feeling lethargic, having sinus infections, belly bloat or not being able to lose those last few pounds? Every day we are bombarded by toxins all around us, wreaking havoc on our health.


Do you see this connection?


Just as we service our car or reboot our computers when they start to slow down, we also need to do so with our body, mind and spirit. A detox is just the ticket to turn things around and set us up for living a  healthier life.



Will a gluten-free cleanse really help

turn your health around?


Nourish and detox your body

Check out this list and see where you fit.


Five Reasons to Detox:


#1  Your body is just out of whack!

Possibly you’re tired, irritable, have low energy, are not sleeping, are bloated, gassy or having a hard time losing weight.  A detox can help turn all of that around.

Toxins build up over time, settling into our fat cells and weighing us down, causing health issues within our bodies. By boosting our nutrition, being diligent on choosing organic foods without pesticides and chemicals, and eating the right foods, our bodies can digest easier and flush out the toxins.


#2 Processed foods are the mainstay of your diet.

Many of us grab prepared and packaged foods without understanding WHAT we should be eating.  Watching the news can really confuse this issue – one day a food is great, the next it’s not recommended. And, many diet or health studies are partially reported, making it even more confusing for the public to understand.

A detox can help you understand how and what to eat by providing a list of foods to eliminate and foods to eat during a gluten-free cleanse or detox.  You learn how to choose healthful foods and why to cut or decrease others to find the best health for your body.


#3  You’re Gluten-free but still feel terrible.

Possibly you have other allergies or intolerances going on that you aren’t aware of yet, besides being gluten-free. A detox eliminates many foods, then reintroduces them slowly back into your diet.  This pinpoints how you feel without the food, then how you react, if at all, when you reintroduce the food.

This process is key to understanding how your body reacts to food and determining which foods do cause your body issues.


#4  A detox can help you become mindful of your habits.

Eliminating certain foods for a period of time can create mindfulness of your eating habits and how your body responds to foods. Getting out of your comfort zone to develop a new pattern of eating or dishes to enjoy, can bring awareness of how you typically eat.  You may realize that you snack needlessly – grabbing food when you aren’t even hungry out of habit. By changing your patterns, you can become mindful of how you go through your daily eating habits. Again, this is one KEY to finding your road to healthy living.


#5 You’ll create healthier habits.

Drinking smoothies, dry skin brushing, choosing healthier foods overall, can all become healthier everyday habits after completing a cleanse. You can learn new ways to eat, new tools for self-care, and good strategies to incorporate each day moving forward to create your own healthy lifestyle.

For more information on detoxing or following a gluten-free cleanse check out my previous post: Ditch the Diet and Detox Instead! (Even if You’re Gluten-Free)


Would you like to align your life

with healthier habits and a healthier lifestyle?


Join me for

our Virtual Gluten-Free

Clean Eating Cooking Class

March 10, 2021

Grab your seat here:

Virtual Gluten-Free Cooking Classes


This information is provided for educational and informational purposes only, to educate you about gluten-free living and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure. Use this information at your own risk based on your own judgment. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications. This information is not allowed to be reproduced, replicated, or sold.

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Jennifer gluten-free living

Hello, I'm Jennifer

Health Coach, Wellness Cooking Instructor, Blogger, Busy Celiac Mom and Educator of Gluten-Free Wellness,

teaching you that living gluten-free doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming!

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