Gluten-Free Kitchen Mistakes

Are YOU Making These Mistakes in YOUR Gluten-Free Kitchen?

Whether you know this or not, gluten is hiding in your house.


Creating a safe gluten-free kitchen, or household, is important to lessen the cross-contamination that can happen in a moment. If you are living a gluten-free lifestyle – you NEED to take care of this.


Why do you need to do this?


When you live gluten-free you need to clean out your home the same way you clean when you move into a new house – completely and totally.


Preparing your kitchen the proper way is very important to live a healthy gluten-free life.  Otherwise, you may continuously gluten yourself right in your own home.


Arranging your safe gluten-free kitchen can be a game-changer for your health.


Kitchen with arrows pointing to all the hidden gluten that may be found there


So, are you making these mistakes at your house?


gluten-free red toaster

Mistake #1: Skipping the dedicated gluten-free toaster


Every gluten-free house needs a separate toaster- used ONLY for gluten-free foods.


I often hear people say that they have a toaster with one side for gluten-filled bread and the other side for gluten-free. Well, let me ask you, have you ever seen crumbs in your toaster? There are a lot! So . . . using both, even with dedicated sides, will still cross-contaminate not matter how much you argue with me on this one. Maybe you are not reacting outwardly from this, but your body may still be reacting internally. This can be a dangerous step to take. One crumb can make you sick!


Pick out a separate gluten-free toaster and kick cross-contamination away on something you can control.


Gluten-Free Kitchen set up

Mistake #2: Not claiming a dedicated Gluten-Free Space in your Kitchen


If you are the only one in your home eating gluten-free, then you need to claim an area of your kitchen for ONLY gluten-free use.


You don’t need a huge kitchen or space to accommodate this, but you do need to figure out how it would work in your home. Find a separate area for your food, a drawer for your utensils, and countertop space to only prepare gluten-free foods.


On the contrary, if your family is like ours with 4 out of 5 being gluten-free, you need a space for just gluten-filled foods. My husband has his own area for food, his own drawer for utensils, and dedicated pans he uses only for gluten-filled food.


The important part is deciding as a family where this space will be – so everyone is on board. Then, create rules about the space as to how it is kept for safety.


Gluten-Free Pantry

Mistake #3: Not taking the time to set up your pantry correctly


There is a definite step by step method to set up your pantry for gluten-free safety. Not completing this task can cause cross-contamination of your food, and for yourself. Taking the steps to clean out and set up your pantry correctly are of utmost importance to stay healthy in your gluten-free life.


The good news?


If you are making these mistakes –

there is an easy fix!



Your Confident Gluten-Free Kitchen


You can absolutely kick cross-contamination to the curb by setting up your gluten-free kitchen for success so that you can finally relax and enjoy your delicious gluten-free meals in your own home.


Get out of overwhelm and take away the worry of getting sick so that you can cook and bake with confidence in your own kitchen.


If you are ready to finally relax and enjoy your gluten-free kitchen to create your gluten-free meals with ease, then this is for you!


Your Confident Gluten-Free Kitchen




Why Now?


There is no time like now to set up your kitchen while EVERYONE is home and changing up the routines.


We saw a difference in our home with everyone here 24/7 due to the pandemic and had to readjust, and partially reset our kitchen.  Having more gluten-filled foods in our home than ever before, things my husband would typically eat outside of the house, opened my eyes.


We had to review and decide how to reset

our kitchen during our quarantine

to keep everyone healthy.


For my family, setting up our gluten-free kitchen was a game changer!


After our kitchen was secure, we stopped getting sick and really learned to love cooking and baking again – as we ditched that worry of getting sick just from being in the kitchen.


This mini-course will take you step by step through the process of setting up your safe and supportive gluten-free kitchen to finally relax and enjoy your gluten-free meals and treats in your own home. You NEED a safe place to relax for your gluten-free life.


Can you imagine how great that would feel?



**Sign up NOW to receive two extra bonuses**

Meal Planning for Success


Bonus #1 – My Meal Planning E-Book

Set yourself up for success in your need to stay home in the weeks to come.  This will be invaluable as we move into the future – a tool that will keep on giving for years to come. You will be amazed to learn how meal planning can save you time, money and so much more!




60 Sensational Recipes to Boost Ideas for Meal Planning


Bonus #2 – 60 Sensational Recipes to Boost Ideas for Meal Planning

Grab all the details right here and get your kitchen, your family, and your house all on board for your gluten-free lifestyle!


I cannot wait to see you in the program!




You can get started right when you sign up and I will be there with you along the way!

Let’s Get in Your Kitchen!!


This information is provided for educational and informational purposes only, to educate you about gluten-free living and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure. Use this information at your own risk based on your own judgment. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications. This information is not allowed to be reproduced, replicated, or sold.

Join the GF Secrets Challenge: SEpt 16-19th
Jennifer gluten-free living

Hello, I'm Jennifer

Health Coach, Wellness Cooking Instructor, Blogger, Busy Celiac Mom and Educator of Gluten-Free Wellness,

teaching you that living gluten-free doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming!

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