5 Top Benefits of Living Gluten-Free

Five Top Benefits of Living Gluten-Free

While changing your whole diet . . . LIFESTYLE . . . to be gluten-free takes energy, time, understanding and a bit of overwhelm . . .


there are absolute benefits that make it all worth your effort, time and determination to kick gluten to the curb for good.


As you build your gluten-free life, you can see and feel the difference this change will make, not just in your body and health, but through your whole lifestyle.


Say goodbye to gluten for good, put in the work needed to do so and start experiencing the benefits you deserve!


Loving the benefits of our Gluten-Free life

Top Benefits to Living Gluten-Free


#1 You NOW KNOW that gluten has caused your issues


Celebrate when your doctor tells you that you have Celiac Disease, gluten-intolerance or that taking gluten out of your diet will help with your auto-immune issues.




You now know that gluten is the root cause of whatever issues your body is/was experiencing.


Unfortunately, studies show that it takes years to diagnose someone with Celiac – due to the fact that gluten causes so many different symptoms that could be connected to many other health issues.


Relief hit me hard once I knew gluten was at fault for all of my health problems. I had spent years going from test to test, doctor to doctor with no end in sight of finding out what was wrong. I celebrated when I learned that gluten was NOT my friend!


Celebrate with us in our Facebook Community where we continue to build our gluten-free lives together.


#2 Once you are gluten-free, your debilitating issues and symptoms will go away


Gluten causes so many reactions, all of which can be different for each of us. Unfortunately, too many think these issues are normal.


Reactions can range from belly bloating and gas, constipation to diarrhea, neuropathy, headaches, rashes, canker sores, foggy thinking, low energy, exhaustion, vitiligo, growth and development issues . . .  the list can go on and on.


Some have multiple reactions while others don’t feel what is happening on the inside.


We should eat and feel good. Sleep and wake up rested. Not go through the day with headaches and body aches, gas and bloating. Not spend all of our days with ear infections, rashes or neuropathy.


There are reasons for all of those symptoms. Finding WHAT is causing this for you is imperative.


Once you go gluten-free, many of your symptoms can go away. This happened for me and all three of my children.


Saying goodbye to symptoms you have been experiencing for years is life-changing.


Think about what reactions you have been living with that you would love to say goodbye to now being gluten-free.


#3 You will have MORE energy to get through your day


It does take some time and energy to get your gluten-free lifestyle set up correctly. But, when you do, you will note a BIG difference in your body and your energy.


Your body will no longer be using all of its energy in trying to drag you through the day. Before your body was using energy to TRY to digest, TRY to heal, and TRY to help you feel better.


Without gluten destroying, or debilitating your health, your body will not be spending all day on FIXING you, working to protect and heal, but instead, leaving YOU more energy to feel better to get through your day with ease.


#4 You can say goodbye to inflammation, hello to healthier living


Gluten causes inflammation.


This is not only true for those of us with Celiac or gluten-intolerance, but for everyone.


It is now known that inflammation is the root of all disease. We need some inflammation in our body to help heal and rebuild, yet chronic inflammation is not good for our health.


If gluten is continuously causing inflammation, this can lead to other health risks.


Saying goodbye to gluten will reduce the inflammation in your body, helping put you on the right path to healthier living.


#5 You can eat and feel good


Oh we are all so done with eating and feeling sick, right?


So many of my gluten-free friends and clients share that they are afraid to eat. Many have always been sick from food, and still view food as the enemy.


Once you understand your GF lifestyle, you CAN eat and feel great.


NO more reactions every bite you take, no more getting knocked down by gluten. It really is important to build your GF life to work for you and understand all you need in place so that you can move forward to a healthier future.


Find your GF foods, eat and enjoy!


BONUS TIP:  You CAN start to live a healthier lifestyle


Living gluten-free can really open your eyes to new foods for your plate.


You will find new veggies you never heard of, new foods or products to try, and new healthy habits to add to your day.


As you begin to gain your health back and see how much better you feel, this helps propel you towards incorporating healthier habits into your day – drinking more water, exercising, being intentional about WHAT foods you put on your plate, meditating or even journaling.


Being gluten-free can pave the way to a healthier future.


To all the nay-sayers telling us that gluten-free is disgusting, terrible or way too hard to do – Hang on to the benefits and push the negative thoughts aside!


Living gluten-free can be life-changing and so worth the journey.


my gluten-free family

What benefits have YOU experienced from going gluten-free?


A gluten-free lifestyle has changed my health and that of my whole family – which is why I am passionate about helping you lead a sustainable and delicious gluten-free lifestyle.


Need help on your GF journey – set up a FREE chat and let’s plot out YOUR BEST GF LIFE.


Schedule your FREE GF Growth Chat right here.

This information is provided for educational and informational purposes only, to educate you about gluten-free living and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure. Use this information at your own risk based on your own judgment. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications. This information is not allowed to be reproduced, replicated, or sold.

Join the GF Secrets Challenge: SEpt 16-19th
Jennifer gluten-free living

Hello, I'm Jennifer

Health Coach, Wellness Cooking Instructor, Blogger, Busy Celiac Mom and Educator of Gluten-Free Wellness,

teaching you that living gluten-free doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming!

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