Gluten-free cooking classes

Transform Your Gluten-Free Life With This ONE Habit

The beginning of the new year often creates a frenzy to sit in quiet pondering your new goals to start creating a new you. 


We’ve heard it all before – 


New year – new you! Write down your goals! Create new habits! Spend time searching your soul!


Well, what if you like the old you and just want to learn something new?


Goals are great, but if you create a long list and intend to incorporate them all at once, most likely, they won’t stick. Start with one and you can create a lasting habit that can truly create better health moving forward.


The truth is that SIMPLE habits can

transform your gluten-free lifestyle


Many habits can help our gluten-free lifestyle:

*being intentional (healthier) about food choices

*getting better sleep

*drinking a smoothie each day




*putting steps in place to adjust your GF life to work for you.


With all the habits that we COULD incorporate to better our gluten-free lifestyle, I do truly believe that there is ONE habit that can transform your GF life throughout the year. 


It all starts in my favorite room in the house . . .  the kitchen.

Cooking can transform

your gluten-free lifestyle

You don’t even have to LOVE to cook – but you might eventually!


You don’t have to be a TOP chef – but you may become one.


Just get in the kitchen and start, or improve, your gluten-free cooking habit, and you may notice a big change.


The habit of cooking creates many

benefits for living gluten-free


When YOU cook your own food, you take away the worry about your GF food.

We often have these thoughts eating out of our own house,  “Is this safe to eat? How was this prepared? What did they use?”,  because we are not in charge of our food. 

Being gluten-free, we worry about every bite we take.

But that changes when YOU prepare your food, and it decreases the worrying!

When YOU cook your own food, you can minimize cross-contamination issues.

When you are cooking, you know which cutting board and knife you used, and that the surfaces were clean and ready for GF cooking. You know what to safely use, and what to leave alone. You can minimize, and hopefully,  eliminate cross-contamination and not get glutened.

When YOU cook, you know all of the ingredients used.

When you’re in charge of what’s on your plate, you know what’s in the food you’re eating. You checked the labels, you know that all of the ingredients are safe for you to consume. You can relax knowing what you are eating.

When you cook, you can be intentional about choosing healthier options.

Often family members may not understand or know what is best for your gluten-free plate.  As we continue to learn about living gluten-free, you will find healthier, better options to fit your body.  This happened to our family. The better you feel when your body is healing from gluten, the better you want to continue feeling . . . which helps in turn to choose healthier options when you notice the difference.


When YOU cook, you get to choose what you’re eating.

Try new things. Introduce your friends and family to new GF options so that they can see how easy and delicious GF can be!


You do not have to love to cook to make this transformation. You don’t even have to like it!

Maybe you cannot cook at all –  but you CAN learn. 


If you are DONE getting sick from food that hasn’t been prepared properly for you, when you start to feel better and see the difference cooking your own food is making, you may just start to enjoy cooking.


Start you new gluten-free cooking habit today and see the transformation it can have . . . it can be truly delicious!

I am here to help you create

your new gluten-free cooking habit!

Throughout this year, I am rolling out a new Gluten-Free Cooking Class every month so that you can get in the kitchen and see how easy and delicious GF living can be – and how much BETTER you feel when you prepare your own safe GF food!


Join the first class now: Cooking with Jennifer: Keeping Healthy Meals on the Table Every Night


Join me to learn three delicious recipes you will want to make repeatedly, while your friends and family continue to ask for seconds!


Check out all the details here.


For classes beyond January, check out the classes added each month right here.


Let’s transform YOUR gluten-free lifestyle together!

This information is provided for educational and informational purposes only, to educate you about gluten-free living and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure. Use this information at your own risk based on your own judgment. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications. This information is not allowed to be reproduced, replicated, or sold.

Join the GF Secrets Challenge: SEpt 16-19th
Jennifer gluten-free living

Hello, I'm Jennifer

Health Coach, Wellness Cooking Instructor, Blogger, Busy Celiac Mom and Educator of Gluten-Free Wellness,

teaching you that living gluten-free doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming!

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