Being gluten-free doesn’t mean giving up all of your family’s favorite dishes or living in deprivation over the holidays.
This may be exactly what’s on your mind as the holidays are quickly approaching.
“How will you ever eat _______ again?”
I’ll never forget the first Thanksgiving meal away from my immediate family (pre-gluten-free). Sitting down at the Thanksgiving table, there were no dishes that my family typically ate for the holiday meal.
Where were the creamed onions, the special spinach dish my mom always served, or the stuffing?
They didn’t even have pumpkin pie!
Well, ok they had stuffing, but it sure wasn’t the stuffing my dad made every year. And, who doesn’t serve pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving?
It was at that moment that I realized how much significance food holds during the holidays.
Food is a huge part of family
holiday traditions
Now with my own family, and having celebrated at many different holiday tables, I realize how we NEED certain dishes in front of us to make it “feel” like a real holiday.
Food creates celebrations and memories
Being gluten-free can really change all of that!
Truthfully, at the beginning of my gluten-free journey, I believed I had to give up some of our favorite dishes.
But I couldn’t accept that and didn’t want that for my family.
There’s always a way to make it work. Just like Marie Forleo says, “Everything is figureoutable!”
We did do without a few things those first few gluten-free holidays. But, we sure do not now.
Friends, you do not have to give up on grandma’s favorite dish, your dad’s favorite stuffing, or your mom’s best cookies.
Figure it out!
Find a gluten-free substitution and make your own gluten-free dish
When we sit down to a Thanksgiving meal at our home, everything is gluten-free, dairy-free, and corn-free.
No one complains.
Everyone is happy and filled with delicious food.
We have figured it out! And, you can too!
We took all of my family’s favorite holiday dishes and recreated them to be gluten-free. Some took a few tries, some took a few years!
But we did it, and you can too!
If you are stuck, just get in your kitchen and try different substitutes to fit your family recipes. You can figure it out!
Read here for more ideas on HOW to substitute to create amazing holiday dishes.
No more days of deprivation or giving up just because you are gluten-free.
Keep your family traditions alive!
Eat! Be Happy!
Enjoy Your Holidays!
Grab our Gluten-Free
Holiday Recipe Guide
to create fabulous holiday meals
with your loved ones this holiday season
(Click below for your eBook copy)