Halloween is around the corner! Are you ready for your gluten-free Halloween?
Need help planning your gluten-free Halloween survival for your family?
No worries, I’ve got you covered!
Halloween is such a fun holiday! Yet for those of us with Celiac or gluten-intolerance, worries surface about getting ready to trick-or-treat.
♦ What can we eat?
♦ What treats are safe?
♦ Where do I find these safe treats?
♦ What if my child doesn’t collect ANY candy he can eat?
♦ What should I pass out as a mom of a family with food allergies?
I have been through many Halloween celebrations with my three kiddos and we have it down to a science now.
Take a breath! Check out these past few blog posts just for you! Learn how to survive a safe and successful Halloween with your family and get rid of your worries:
How to Survive Your Gluten-Free Halloween
Gluten-Free Halloween Treats to Scare the Bat Out of you
Spooky Spiders and Webs (gluten-free/dairy-free)
Candy Busters: How to Switch it Up for Your Gluten-Free Goblins
Go out and enjoy Halloween
with your family this year!
Leave me a comment and tell me
what you will do
to survive this Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Have you started your Gluten-Free Holiday Baking yet?