Gluten Free Holiday Tips


Living gluten-free often needs extra attention to help us navigate through the holidays.


Empower your gluten-free holidays with these helpful tips to make them shine.

Christmas cards: No licking seals if Gluten-free

Tip #1:  No Licking Allowed!


Starting my gluten-free journey, I learned that envelope seals contained gluten. Now, according to The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center, “The Envelope Manufacturers Association Website states, ‘Remoistenable adhesives are derived from corn starch and do not contain wheat or rye gluten.’ “

Yet, stated that envelope seals tested found gluten was present.

Stay clear of ruining a fun holiday day by licking your Holiday Card envelopes.  Be on the safe side.  Either buy the self-seal envelopes or simply use a sponge to wet the seal. Even better, have your kids help and make it fun – just no licking!


gluten-free holiday tips poinsettas

Tip#2:  Just Say NO!


Saying NO can be hard for some.  At times, we do need to practice saying, “No  . . . Thank you”, to certain foods.

At a restaurant, a holiday party, or dinner at a friend’s house, be confident and say “No Thank You” when you’re not comfortable eating the food being served.

Having food allergies keeps you on your toes about every bite you decide to put into your mouth.  Do not take food that you are not 100% certain is safe for you to consume.  Never put your health on the line to spare someone’s feelings by trying their new recipe.  You, and your health, are very important.

Do not eat to be polite.  You’ll be the one paying the price.  Smile, and say, “No, Thank You”.


Nutcracker standing guard: be prepared in your gluten-free life

Tip #3:  Always Be Prepared!


There are many holiday parties and social events during the holiday season.  While living a gluten-free life, they can sometimes put you in a panic!  Relax!

The key is to be prepared.  At the beginning of my gluten-free journey, I attended events where there was nothing for me to eat. Not the best situation.

Now, I know better.  Don’t let this ruin your evening, be prepared.


*Eat before you go.
*Bring a dish you can eat and share.
*Keep a bunch of small snacks in your bag to nibble on as you enjoy visiting with people at the party.
*Be prepared and enjoy yourself!


Use these tips to help create a

 gluten-free holiday season you will enjoy


Happy Holidays!

Grab more tips and strategies to create your
BEST gluten-free Holiday Meal:

Gluten-Free Holiday Meal Survival Checklist


This information is provided for educational and informational purposes only, to educate you about gluten-free living and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure. Use this information at your own risk based on your own judgment. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications. This information is not allowed to be reproduced, replicated, or sold.

Grab the hidden gluten guide today
Jennifer gluten-free living

Hello, I'm Jennifer

Health Coach, Wellness Cooking Instructor, Blogger, Busy Celiac Mom and Educator of Gluten-Free Wellness,

teaching you that living gluten-free doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming!

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