Gluten-free holiday traditions

Keeping Holiday Traditions Alive When You’re Gluten-Free

Do you have special holiday traditions?



Worried that you cannot keep these important family favorites now that you’re gluten-free? NOT the case!

gluten-free holidays

Special gluten-free holiday traditions
at our house


▲decorating the tree together

▲hanging our personalized stockings in hopes that Santa will fill them with delicious goodies

▲collecting Nutcrackers

▲baking tons of holiday cookies to share

▲enjoying our family gluten-free favorite dishes that only come out at the holidays


gluten-free holidays

One of our favorite traditions is
collecting Nutcrackers


When my daughter was in first grade, we all went to see the Nutcracker ballet. Definitely a fond family memory!

gluten-free holidays

Since then I have gifted each child with a new Nutcracker every Christmas. This has become something we just cannot wait to open on Christmas morning.



Each year I find one that resembles something special each child did that year or just a fun Nutcracker they would enjoy. We have collected so many different Nutcrackers – bakers, painters, soccer players, football players, trumpeter, the Nutcracker Ballet characters, shopper, student, rock star, Mickey Mouse, and even Star Wars Nutcrackers. They are so fun!



Every year those holiday boxes are our favorite ones to unpack and set up all around the house. They have become quite special. Definitely a fun tradition, and no problem continuing this for our gluten-free holiday traditions!


gluten-free baking

Our holiday traditions that mean a lot really take place in the kitchen


Baking holiday cookies is a very special gluten-free holiday tradition for all of us. I grew up baking with my mom, which definitely instilled that passion in me. I then started baking with my children, and still do. The best part is that they are now baking for me – which is amazing!



But, when we started out gluten-free lives, we really had to change up our cookie routine! Right?



We found gluten-free baking to be a whole new science with a lot to understand to make our amazing treats. But once you learn the tips and strategies, you can make delicious treats most don’t even know are gluten-free!


gluten-free chocolate chip cookies

I’ll never forget when we finally made a cookie that was fluffed up, not flat like a pancake, and tasted incredible – we were super excited!



That was a great feeling . . . and you can have that feeling too!!



You can join me in  . . .


I took everything we’ve learned over the years and put it together into the Gluten-Free Baking for Beginners Workshop – class is this week on Wed, Nov. 4th at 1 can grab your seat right here (Sign up and you’ll get the replay if you cannot be there live for the class! You won’t miss out at all!)



In this workshop, I review all the flours (and boy are there many!), additions and substitutions needed to make gluten-free baking work, especially if you have other allergies, how to prepare your kitchen to kick cross-contamination to the curb, as well as insider tips and strategies to help you make the BEST gluten-free treats. 



Check out the incredible bonuses you get also! (recipes anyone!!)



Seriously, being in the kitchen
has its rewards

gluten-free stuffing

Being gluten-free, we all wondered if we could have my dad’s special holiday stuffing, or my mom’s creamed onions again. I mean really – the holidays are not the holidays without those special dishes on the table.



We took our recipes, and through trial and error, developed all of our favorite family holiday dishes into gluten-free versions that were absolutely delicious. Let me tell you this – there is NO deprivation at our house over the holidays.



Friends – you CAN have your favorite holiday dishes,
even when you are gluten-free!

November Gluten-Free Cooking Classes

Do not give up on your gluten-free holiday family recipe traditions – I can show you how in my upcoming November Virtual Cooking Class. This month our theme is Gluten-Free Holiday Side Dishes.


On Wed, November 18th, I will be teaching how you can create your family favorites – gluten-free style.

This will be a fun one for sure! Grab all the details here.

Whatever holiday traditions you follow –

you CAN incorporate them into your gluten-free lifestyle

to create your OWN gluten-free holiday traditions.

If we can do it – so can you!

Still not sure how - then leave me a comment and let’s talk!

This information is provided for educational and informational purposes only, to educate you about gluten-free living and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure. Use this information at your own risk based on your own judgment. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications. This information is not allowed to be reproduced, replicated, or sold.

Join the GF Secrets Challenge: SEpt 16-19th
Jennifer gluten-free living

Hello, I'm Jennifer

Health Coach, Wellness Cooking Instructor, Blogger, Busy Celiac Mom and Educator of Gluten-Free Wellness,

teaching you that living gluten-free doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming!

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