During the holidays baking season is in full swing.
At our house, we love baking cookies and testing out new ideas. Growing up my mom baked all the time, and definitely instilled that love in me. I find baking relaxing and fulfilling.
And, who doesn’t love the smell of cookies baking when you walk in the house?
Over the years of switching to our gluten-free lives, our baking has changed quite a lot, and we learned so much along the way.
Speaking of learning . . .
make sure to read my last two blog posts. They are filled with my favorite gluten-free baking tips:
Top Tips to Create Irresistible Gluten-Free Baked Goods and More Gluten-Free Baking Tips to Wow Your Family & Friends
In our house, macaroons are a favorite, especially at the holidays. We have all grown to love coconut. Mix in dark chocolate and you have a winner!
Coconut macaroons are definitely
my favorite holiday cookie!
We love to bake them. But, we’ve also been on the lookout to buy coconut macaroons in the stores.
Over the past few years, we have found a few we’d like to share with you.
Note that the coconut macaroons you find at stores will be much higher in sugar than making them yourself at home. Read the labels before you purchase as many options have added ingredients that aren’t needed (or just that I definitely don’t want to consume!). The following are the few that we will indulge in every so often:
Eat sparingly, but definitely enjoy
these over the holidays!
#1 Manischewitz Coconut Chocolate Chip Macaroons – typically stores carry these around the Jewish Holidays. The kids love them. (Some do contain corn which is OFF limits for me – read the labels.)
#2 – Klara’s Gourmet Coconut Macaroons. We found these at Marshalls and Home Goods Stores. They are sweet and tasty – still high in sugar.
#3 – Each summer at the shore we see signs down the Boardwalk store windows shouting “macaroons”. We are always seeking out gluten-free versions. THIS past summer we finally found one! The Original Fudge Kitchen offered a box of delicious coconut macaroons.
We topped them off with our own dark chocolate and had a scrumptious dessert one evening.
They were delicious but super sweet.
#4 Manischewitz Chocolate Drizzled Coconut Macaroons – these are certified gluten-free, and definitely our favorite of all. They are elaborate, chewy and filling – delicious. We found these this last year just before Christmas at Wegmans Grocery Store. (Hoping they continue to carry them this holiday season!)
As you can see there are many options on the shelves if you look. Too many have loads of sugar and an excess of unwanted ingredients. But, pay attention and read the labels and you’ll find something to fit your taste.
Do you have a favorite coconut macaroon?
Of course, in my opinion, the best macaroon is the one you make at home.
Come back as I will be sharing our own family recipe later in the week. You don’t want to miss it, easy and delicious!