On the SECOND Gluten-Free Day of Christmas
my Health Coach gave to me . . .
. . . the gift of strength
Strength is needed to be in charge of
your life.
Once my doctor told me to start a gluten-free diet, I had no idea what that meant. He sent me to a dietitian, who handed me a list of gluten-free bread to find at Whole Foods.
She also said to eat rice and quinoa ( What was that?) and to Google anything else I needed. That was not much help!
Thankfully, not everyone you meet will be this unhelpful.
Yet, most are not going to take you by the hand and tell you everything you need to know. But, I’m sure you understand:
You really can continue to learn something new every day.
Research and learn.
You have to take this step.
Grab the strength to be in charge of your life.
You can, and should, have guidance and support, but don’t wait for someone to figure it all out for you.
YOU need to be the one to incorporate your new knowledge into your lifestyle. Get out there and test out your new life! Do not sit at home and miss out anymore.
You deserve it!
You have support and guidance all around you – just open your eyes and you will NOT be alone in this journey. Your doctors, Health Coaches, family, friends, and community can all help. Send me a message if you want help on your journey.
It’s up to you to take the wheel
and follow your journey.
A fun activity you can do to keep you on track is to make a Vision Board.
Try it out. It’s fun and can remind you to stick with your plan!
Grab this FREE Download for help getting through your
Gluten-Free Holiday Meal Celebrations
(3D Character pyramid picture by Stuart Miles,courtesy of freedigitalimages.net)
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