What is a Health Coach?
These days you may be seeing the term, Health Coach, more and more. All for good reasons! So you may be wondering . . . what is a Health Coach?
These days you may be seeing the term, Health Coach, more and more. All for good reasons! So you may be wondering . . . what is a Health Coach?
We are now upon one of the biggest baking seasons of the year. From cookie swaps, bake-offs, and all the holiday get-togethers, everyone seems to be baking up a storm.
In November I traveled to Stamford, CT to meet my mom at the Gluten Free Festival, hosted by Gluten Free & More Magazine. It turned out to be a spectacular event!
Recently our family helped celebrate Kids with Food Allergies at the annual STRIDES FOR SAFE KIDS Walk celebrated with kidswithfoodallergies.org We were very excited to see so many
Health Coach, Wellness Cooking Instructor, Blogger, Busy Mom and Educator of Gluten-Free Wellness,
teaching you that living gluten-free doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming!