Welcome to the Empowering Gluten-Free Growth Podcast!
Join us weekly with our amazing talks and interviews, to empower your GF life so that you can say goodbye to overwhelm, deprivation, and struggle and hello to a delicious GF lifestyle.
The hope is to inspire and motivate each listener to create not just a gluten-free life they need, but a GF life in which they thrive and enjoy!

Episode #30: The Truth About Chocolate on Your Gluten-Free Plate
Do you love chocolate? If so, then today’s episode is for you!
As a chocoholic before going gluten-free, I fell into deprivation thinking I would never eat this delectable treat again!
Good news- that was NOT true – we CAN eat chocolate safely being gluten-free.
Bad news – we do need to rethink the chocolate we choose.
Listen in and learn how you can still enjoy chocolate without derailing your health and how to best choose for your gluten-free plate.

Episode #29: Same Plate, Different Day, Breaking Your Gluten-Free Routine
Do you ever feel like you’re on a rollercoaster looping around, speeding up, without it letting you off and you just crave a change?
Often we get up and do the same thing, day after day.
Soon we’re moving on autopilot.
Are you doing this with your gluten-free life, or plate – staying safe and eating the SAME thing every day?
Join today’s talk to learn why we should break up our gluten-free routine.

Episode #28: How Do YOU Help the Gluten-Free Community?
There is a lot to put into place to create a gluten-free life that works.
Besides having the steps and strategies in place, it’s important to learn about all the support we have around us.
Gluten-free products and companies are important and necessary to help us build our GF lives, and move forward in a healthy manner.
We are looking for GF products and companies to share about on the podcast. Do you have something to share?
If so, please reach out to jennifer@glutenfreemarcksthespot.com or shoot a DM to Jennifer Marcks on Facebook.
Tell us about your gluten-free product, company, restaurant, or bakery – we would love to spotlight YOU and thank you for supporting the GF community.

Episode #27: Breaking Free: Overcoming the Lies Holding You Back from a Gluten-Free Life Series – Part 4
Do you tell yourself, “You’ll never eat out again!”, now that you’re GF?
We continue to tell ourselves lies about our GF life – and today’s lie is one that we tell a lot!
I sure told myself this at the beginning of my GF journey.
Yet, many of these lies are far from the truth and hold us back from having the gluten-free life we need and deserve.
Join us in today’s episode to see how to turn your lies around and start living your best gluten-free lifestyle.

Episode #26: Gluten and the Brain: The Connection You Need to Know with Special Guest Kate Kunkel
We know that gluten impacts the gut, but have you ever thought about how gluten might impact your brain?
We tend to think about gut health and living gluten-free, losing weight, or becoming stronger before we think about our brain health.
But as many suffer headaches, migraines, or brain fog, gluten may very well be the culprit, and these can diminish once going gluten-free.
Let’s stop and think about what else can be happening to your brain due to gluten.
Today Kate Kunkel, Brain Health Coach and educator is joining us in an empowering conversation about the connection between gluten and the brain.
Join our enlightening discussion to learn about this important connection to take your gut and brain to a new level of health, helping you create a gluten-free life that serves you.
Listen in for tips and steps for Brain Health that you can start today!

Episode # 25: Breaking Free: Overcoming the Lies Holding You Back from a Gluten-Free Life Series – Part 3
If you have Celiac Disease we know without a doubt, that you need to be living 100% gluten-free.
Yet, gluten-intolerant people often believe that having gluten is still ok.
Let’s think about this . . . you know that gluten is NOT good for you. It is taking away your health and knocking you down . . . WHY would you still eat gluten?
If you’re gluten-intolerant, do you think it is OK to eat gluten?
Tune in to this episode to see how we answer this question!

Episode #24: Breaking Free: Overcoming the Lies Holding You Back from a Gluten-Free Life Series – Part 2
Are you telling yourself – “There’s NOTHING left to eat!”?
It sure feels this way when having to change our plate to be all gluten-free – but what happens when you tell yourself this all day?
I am all about showing you how easy and delicious GF can be, no more – “There’s NOTHING LEFT to eat” or “GF is so disgusting!”
Tune in to the podcast to learn how to turn these thoughts around and how FAR from the truth they are!

Episode #23: Breaking Free: Overcoming the Lies Holding You Back from a Gluten-Free Life Series – Part 1
When we learn that we need to be gluten-free, our brain sends us quick messages like . . . This will suck! This is going to be too hard! You will have to give up everything! or How the heck will you ever do this?
We are bombarded with thoughts that hold us back from even starting to create the gluten-free life that we need to regain our health.
Often . .. . these are just lies that we are telling ourselves. Yet, truth be told, everyone around us tells us this too, which doesn’t help!
What are you telling yourself about your GF life?
I’m so excited to bring you a new 4-part series on the Podcast: Breaking Free: Overcoming the Lies Holding You Back from a Gluten-Free Life
In each episode, we will dive into the lies we tell ourselves that stall the GF life we NEED.
Is going gluten-free too hard? Join Jennifer to see what we have to say about that!

Episode #22: What Is Your Body Telling You? with Special Guest Carrie Lupoli
Our body constantly sends us signals . . . but do we stop and pay attention, or ignore it as we do to the car check engine light?
Paying attention to the reactions, symptoms, and nudges our body shares is imperative to help keep our health on track, especially as we age.
What is gluten or another message from your body telling you right now? Stop, key into your body, and listen to today’s podcast to see what we discuss!
I am so excited to have my friend Carrie Lupoli, certified nutritionist, speaker, educator, and award-winning behavior specialist, join us today for a fabulous conversation about gluten, being intentional about your plate, keeping it simple and sustainable, and . . . listening to your body.

Episode #21: Creating the Gluten-Free Life that You Deserve

Episode #20: Reflecting on Your Gluten-Free Life
Have you taken the time to stop and reflect on your gluten-free life?
We know that gluten disrupts your health, so what has your gluten-free life given you? What has it CHANGED for you?
Today we’re sharing three ways that reflecting on your GF life can help you move forward to continue creating the gluten-free lifestyle you deserve.
Celebrating the strides you have made to regain your health is important as we say goodbye to gluten for good.

Episode #19: The Importance of Changing Your Plate to Change Your Life
We often think that we need big changes to create big results, yet small steps can bring about great change.
When going gluten-free, we need to change our plate to GF options immediately.
Yes, that’s a big step – but once we start adding small steps as we build our GF plate and lifestyle, we can reap BIG rewards in designing a sustainable, delicious and healthier GF life.
Join today’s episode to learn how you can become more intentional about your GF plate and the effects that will have on your GF lifestyle moving forward.

Episode #18: Help! My Family is Gifting Me Gluten!
Whether you’re celebrating the holidays, your birthday, or another special occasion, what do you do when you’re getting gifts that are loaded with gluten?
How do you handle this situation? What should you do?
Tune in to this episode for tips when you’re stuck in this situation while you unwrap all those presents coming your way – from family, friends, or even Santa.

Episode # 17: Top Picks for a Delicious Gluten-Free Life
Do you have any favorite gluten-free foods or companies?
This week, we are sharing our favorite things we use in our gluten-free family to help make living gluten-free easier and better.
These are products and companies that help make our gluten-free life more delicious. We love creating recipes and looking for gluten-free food finds that make us happy.
Tune in to today’s episode to see if any of our favorites can help you create your delicious gluten-free lifestyle. Then head over to our FB Community and share your favorites!

Episode #16: These are a Few of Our Favorite Gluten-Free Things
Do you have a list of your favorite gluten-free things?
There are many products to help us live gluten-free, but we need to sort through them to see what best fits our gluten-free life.
Today we’re ready to share some of our favorite things that have helped create a better, easier, and even more delicious gluten-free life for our family.
What has helped make your gluten-free life better?
Tune in to this episode to learn our favorites and see if you could use any of them to improve your gluten-free life. Then come on over to our Empowering Gluten-Free Women FB Community and share some of your favorites.

Episode #15: 5 Tips to Feel at Ease at Your Neighborhood (Holiday) Potluck Gathering
Your neighborhood is holding a potluck gathering and you may be starting to freak out!
How do you attend a potluck when you’re gluten-free? What if you get sick? What if there is no food for you to eat?
Let’s go – eat and enjoy, and just have fun! But, how do we do that?
Join me in today’s episode to find out!

Episode #14: Gluten-Free? That’s a BIG NO To These Holiday Parties!
The invites are coming in and before the envelope is even opened you can feel the big NOPE rolling off your tongue.
Does being gluten-free make you think that you have to give up on fun events, parties, and outings?
We get stuck in thoughts of, “There will be no food for me”, “What if I eat something I shouldn’t”, and “What if I get sick?” Lots of what-ifs leave you stuck at home.
Being gluten-free doesn’t mean living in deprivation and missing out. It means we must figure things out and get back out there to live our best life – not stay home on the couch watching another cheesy Christmas movie!
Join me in today’s episode to see how you can say YES to some of the holiday parties you think that you definitely should not be attending.

Episode #13: Being Grateful for Your Gluten-Free Life
Happy Thanksgiving!
As I get ready to sit at my family’s Thanksgiving table today, it is with a grateful heart that I say THANK YOU for following along on our podcast! It means the world to me that you’re here, listening, joining in, and hopefully implementing the strategies shared.
Since going gluten-free, I’ve learned many lessons about my life, and gratitude is definitely one of them.
Join me in this episode to learn all that we have to be thankful for in our gluten-free lives!

Episode #12: How Do I Handle My Anti-Gluten-Free Family?
Are you feeling a little lonely being gluten-free?
Not finding the support you need – especially from your family?
When I went gluten-free, my family thought I made this up! They stopped cooking for me and didn’t get why I was making such a fuss about my food!
Now as a GF Coach, I have countless people who share that their family just doesn’t support their gluten-free way of life and are lost as to what to do – especially if they still live at home.
This is a tricky situation!
Join me in today’s episode to see what we can do to get our family to understand our gluten-free needs, become supportive, and even get on board our gluten-free lifestyle.

Episode #11: The Truth About Gluten: Can You Still Have a LITTLE?
Now that you’re gluten-free, do you wonder – “Can I still have a little gluten?”
This is a question that comes up all the time with my clients and gluten-free friends. Do I really have to be 100% GF?
Can’t I have that slice of pizza or that birthday cake at my nephew’s party? Can’t I just have one bite? Should you?
Join me in this episode to unpack the truth about gluten – can you still have a little gluten? Let’s dive in and find out!

Episode #10: What’s the BIG Deal About Cooking for My Gluten-Free Friend?
When someone makes a delicious meal or treat for you, does that excite you or throw you into a panic?
I’ve always loved sharing food with friends and family. Yet, now being gluten-free, I get a bit nervous when someone delivers a dish to share.
I’m all for taking your chocolatey gluten-free brownies, but honestly, a few bells go off when you hand them to me.
What if they are NOT gluten-free? Are they safe to eat?
Well . . . that depends! There are certain things we need in place to keep safe and healthy in our gluten-free lives.
Do your friends and family know what you need?
Today’s episode is for you if you are gluten-free so that you can better understand this situation. But, more importantly, this is for our family and friends who are NOT gluten-free, yet want to cook or bake for us to support us on our gluten-free journey.
Be sure to share today’s show with your family and friends – Living gluten-free is always better when having the support you need all around you!
Episode #9: Gluten-Free Doesn’t Mean Giving Up Grandma’s Cookies or Dad’s Stuffing This Holiday Season
Are you thinking of all the holiday food that you might NOT be able to indulge in this holiday season?
Deprivation can hit pretty hard when you’re gluten-free, especially during the holidays.
I thought our favorite family holiday recipes would NEVER touch my plate again when we started our gluten-free lifestyle – and our holiday feast is our favorite meal of the year!
If you too are stuck with the thought of having to give up your favorite dishes during the holidays, or falling into deprivation, listen to today’s episode so that we can change that!
Join in to learn that gluten-free doesn’t mean giving up your grandma’s cookies or dad’s stuffing this holiday season!
Listen to the episode right here.
**Grab the GF Holiday Recipe Guide for the fabulously delicious safe GF recipes we serve our family and friends every holiday season. Fill your Thanksgiving / Christmas Table with all of your favorites! No more deprivation or missing out for you! Grab the recipes here.
Episode #8: Gluten-Free Travel Tips for a Delicious Holiday Feast
Grandma is hosting your holiday feast and you’re starting to freak out! Grandma is not gluten-free and has no idea what you need!
Can you attend? Will there be any safe food for you to eat?
Before you stress out anymore . . . breathe, and let’s figure this out together.
Join me in today’s episode so that you can enjoy a delicious gluten-free feast wherever you’re eating this holiday season.

Episode 7: Can You Host a Gluten-Free Holiday Meal With Success When Everyone Is Not Gluten-Free?
How in the heck can you host a holiday meal with your whole family now that you’re gluten-free? Should you? Could you?
It feels impossible . . . but it can be done!
Our first holidays were full of deprivation and missing out. I sat looking at all the food on the table that I couldn’t eat., and didn’t want our life to look like that moving forward, especially during the holidays.
Now we host and serve our entire family our gluten-free holiday feast with success (and they always ask for seconds!) and you can too.
Listen to today’s episode to learn how to host your own successful holiday feast.

Episode 6: 5 Steps to Kickstart Your Gluten-Free Baking with Confidence
Have you wanted to bake gluten-free but are not sure where to start? Think it will be too time-consuming, too hard, or too much trouble?
When I first found the gluten-free flour aisle at the grocery store, I stood there blankly staring at all the options. Who knew there were so many to use? Which one do you use? The overwhelm kicked in, but I didn’t let it stop me – and you shouldn’t either.
There is no reason that you can’t learn to make delicious GF treats your family and friends will love and devour. Join me in this episode to learn how to start baking GF today.
Listen to the episode right here.
If you’re ready to get started with your GF Baking now, Grab our Gluten-Free Baking for Beginners Program and start making delicious treats your family will love and your friends will devour. Join here and grab some extra amazing bonuses!

Episode 5: Boo! Don’t Let the Holidays Scare You Now that You’re Gluten-Free
Do you think you have to say goodbye to the holidays now that you’re gluten-free?
Are you afraid or overwhelmed about what you can do this holiday season to stay safe and healthy?
I get it! The holidays felt impossible when I went gluten-free! The deprivation, the missing out on all the fun . . .
But, in today’s episode, I will share how you CAN survive and thrive through your gluten-free holidays by putting a few steps in place.
Let’s get rid of the fear, and dive in!
Listen to this episode right here.
If you really don’t want to let the holidays scare you away, go check out our GF Growth Membership! For a limited time, you can get our Survive and Thrive Your GF Holidays Masterclasses as a FREE BONUS when you join!!
Episode #4: Saying Goodbye to Gluten: “NOW WHAT’S LEFT TO EAT?”
“There’s NOTHING left to eat!”
Is this something you are telling yourself on repeat in your gluten-free life?
I get it! It definitely can feel like there’s nothing left to eat when you give up gluten. But, let me tell you this . . . that is so far from the truth!
You do NOT need to live in deprivation being gluten-free! We have many options to eat and enjoy satisfying and delicious foods.
In today’s episode, learn about all the delicious foods that you CAN put on your gluten-free plate. No more fear or overwhelm about what to eat! You can get back to eating the foods you love.
Join me in this episode here and find out how to easily fill your GF plate.
Grab the Hidden Gluten Guide here to help keep gluten away so that you can get through your day with ease.
Episode #3 – How to Go Gluten-Free in 5 Simple Steps
What if you had the steps to get started on your gluten-free journey?
Steps to take away some of the overwhelm, or fear, that you may be feeling right now.
Steps to put you on the right path to move forward – because honestly – maybe everything feels like A LOT right now!
If you need to get started in your gluten-free life, then today’s episode is for you.
Listen to the episode here and be sure to hit that FOLLOW button!
Grab the GF Starter Guide right here to dive into the 5 steps Jennifer shares.

Episode #2 Understanding the Key Benefits of a Gluten-Free Lifestyle to Empower Your WHY
Sometimes living gluten-free can feel really hard.
But, when we understand WHY we need to be gluten-free and start focusing on the benefits that a gluten-free life gives us . . . that’s when the magic happens!
I often say that going gluten-free was one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
Join me in today’s episode and find out why.
Listen to the episode here and be sure to leave a review!
Episode #1 Welcome to the Empowering Gluten-Free Growth Podcast!
I created this podcast to share our stories, tips, and strategies that have helped my family, clients, and students create a healthy, thriving gluten-free lifestyle that has been sustainable and delicious. Yes, sustainable because we have to live gluten-free every day all day, and delicious because we do NOT need to live in deprivation just because we’re gluten-free.
And, I am here to show you just that!
We are growing into our gluten-free lives as we continue to learn about new recipes, products, food finds, and research to share in our gluten-free world.
If you’re ready to boost your GF life, come over and listen to the Podcast and join the conversation!
Listen to the episodes right here, then make sure you leave a review on Apple Podcast!