Our “Welcome to Our Gluten-Free Kitchen” sign hangs on our fridge for everyone to see.
It tells how important the color red is to us, and lists our kitchen rules on how to keep us safe and healthy being gluten-free. My husband wasn’t on board with it right away and thought it was rude to post to our guests.
But, we all quickly found, that if we explain it, our guests felt better knowing how to “work our kitchen”. I think the fear is not knowing how to be safe and stay healthy while eating gluten-free. Our sign is very helpful!
Check out our sign below and see if it works for you.
Welcome to Our Gluten-Free Kitchen
In order to keep us healthy and on-track in our gluten-free kitchen, we have many RULES to help. Please review and ask if you have any questions.
The following is a list to think about while in our gluten-free kitchen:
*All RED pans or utensils are ONLY for gluten-free items
*Use ceramic plates, not the children’s plastic (melamine)
plates as they can hold the gluten
*Use only designated colanders/pans while cooking
(The small white colander is for GF foods along with the small and large red ones.)
*Do not double-dip knives/spoons into butter, jams, jellies,
dips . . . (one crumb can make us sick)
*We use Earth Balance butter or Coconut Butter for all gluten-
free items- please do not double dip in these containers
*The red toaster is only for gluten-free items. There is a white
toaster under the island for all non-GF foods.
*Our coffee maker is only for gluten-free coffee. We can
make flavored coffee/decaf coffee in the second coffee maker (the small black one), just ask
*Dips – put the dip on your plate, if we stick items in the dip that
are not gluten-free, it will be contaminated
*While serving, do not let spoons/servers, touch your food
items before returning to the pan/dish
*When using ketchup, mustard or any food dispensing
container, do not let the container touch your food
Relax and enjoy the food!
(The Management)
*Try out your own
Welcome Sign for
your gluten-free kitchen.*
You will see that it takes a lot of stress when people are in
your gluten-free kitchen!
Happy Cooking!
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